Getting here


The postal code is 760723


You can walk from Yishun Station or you can take the buses from Khatib Station.


The address is 723 Yishun St 71 (Open in Google Map)


All buses include 980, 807, 811, 800, 812 & 167, 171, 860 & 169. Nearby buses include 859, 856, 969,
You can take 807 or 811 from Khatib station.

  1. Yishun Bus Interchange

    - 856.812 169
  2. Near Khatib MRT

    - 807. 812 169
  3. Sembawang Bus Interchange

    - 167
  4. Yio Chu Kang Bus Interchange

    - 860.169
  5. Woodland Bus Interchange

    - 169
  6. Ang Mo Kio Bus Interchange

    - 169


+65 8808-4071

or Message Tutor on Whatsapp

You may also SMS/Whatsapp at 8808-4071. Messaging is preferred. Please avoid calling during office hour as the tutor may be conducting lesson.

Shalom Tuition welcomes students from all background. Get illuminated with knowledge. Shalom means peace in Hebrew.