General Links

  1. Tertiary Education~ JC & University subjects offered: Chemistry, Economics and Programming
  2. 2020 syllabus~ We are starting the 2020 syllabus this December 2020. Call or sms tutor to find out more.
  3. Teachers needed~ if you are interested to be a part-time tutor, please contact us.
  4. O level Timetable - TBC
  5. PSLE Timetable - TBC
  6. E-math O level 2020
  7. A-math O level 2020
  8. Primary 6 Papers
  9. Primary 5 Papers
  10. Primary 4 Papers
  11. Primary 3 Papers
  12. Primary 2 Papers
  13. Primary 1 Papers
  14. Secondary School Papers

SEAB Links

  1. SEAB website O level
  2. SEAB website N(A) level
  3. SEAB website N(T) level
  4. Seab website PSLE
  5. Seab website A level

Useful apps

  1. Blockly by Google
  2. Open Note Scanner
  3. Desmos Graphing Calculator
  4. Microsoft Math
  5. Photomath
  6. Practise Math Arithmetic on Android
  7. Mental Puzzle on Android